Title: Isaac Borojovich y la memoria uruguaya de la Shoá
Author: David Serrano Blanquer
Prologue: David Telias
First print: September 2013
Published by: Ediciones Trilce
“When I first met Isaac I was impressed by his story of surviving Holocaust, and his way of presenting it – with humanity but at the same time with striking roughness and a touching message about life and love. His words reminded me of two readings that had marked me the most: ‘The Night’ by Elie Wiesel and ‘Without Destiny’ by Imre Kertész”. Partly written in Montevideo and partly in Sabadell (Barcelona), this book presents the protagonist’s life journey – a real treasure of cunningness, skills and the sharpest intuition which help the protagonist to identify danger and, above all, to find the most efficient and intuitive solutions. It is a story without concession given to feelings, very rough and straightforward, built from anecdotes that turn into categories, without taking into account morality or compassion. It is a story of an apparent anti-hero who always transmits lucidity and an incredible human quality.