Plantaré un arbre encara que demà s’acabi el món
I’ll plant a tree even if tomorrow the world ends
Author: David Serrano Blanquer
First print:2014
Book design: estudicastejon
A note that contains a Facebook address is intercepted by the director of a school prior to the last meeting of evaluation of students
This is the starting point of the frenetic story of Professor Ricard Boada and his group of students of the 4th year of Secondary School: Jandro, Ari, Toni, Roger, Cris, Robert, Pere and Maica…
Social networks, bullying, anorexia, drugs, harassment, uncontrolled sexual drive, silence of the accomplices, conspiracy, permissive and resigned parents, and the mysterious disappearance of the group´s best female student.
A universe where students, parents, teachers, neighbours, second-class gangsters and the police will be immersed in a tsunami that will alter their lives significantly.
This is David Serrano’s (1966) first published novel, after more than 20 years of work as a teacher. Difficult to classify, the novel describes a world which, despite all the problems, is presented as a light of hope, essential for the new generations.