Title: Un català a Mauthausen: El testimoni de Francesc Comellas
Author: David Serrano Blanquer
prologue: Sílvia Sáiz i Calvó,Ernest Gallart i Vivé
First print: April 2001
Published by: Editorial Pòrtic
Too often we have tended to associate the Holocaust and the Nazi concentration camps exclusively with the Jewish people. It is not an underestimation of their tragedy to mention the experience of other oppressed groups, among them a substantial number of Spanish and Catalan republicans – around 10 thousand of them paid the price for their defense of democratic freedom.
Very few of them survived.
Francesc Comellas (Castella del Vallès 1917, living in Austria) is one of those Catalan republicans, a person of integrity and commitment, who was true to his anarchist ideals until the final consequences. His experience, filled with fantastic but real events, is described in this work, thanks to a thorough reconstruction of the protagonist’s life.