Title: Les dones als camps nazis
Cover design: Ferran Cartes / Montse Plass
Cover image: Dona confinada al camp de concentració de Bergen-Belsen (Roger Viollet)
Author: David Serrano Blanquer
First print: October 2003
published by: Editorial Pòrtic
The consequences of the Nazi horror are still among us.
The organised extermination that the Fascists perpetrated against millions of men and women could reach daylight thanks to the most diverse forms of testimony. Graphical documentation, oral transmission or the artistic recreations are a breaking demonstration of those perverse and evil machinations. Censorship always aims at silencing the sources of memory, and women have been the main victims of this invisibility, even with favourable circumstances of freedom. The contribution of D. Serrano retrieves the everyday experience of women in the Nazi camps and compiles their oral and written legacy.