Title: K. L. Reich
Author: Joaquim Amat-Piniella
Preliminary research with work proposals and descriptions by: David Serrano
First print: July 2005
Published by: Edicions 62 / Educació 62
‘K. L. Reich’ was written in Andorra between 1945 and 1946, but it was not published until late in 1963 due to Francoist censorship. This edition presents the full text, finished in 2001 by David Serrano, a teacher of Catalan language and literature at the UOC, and director of the CILEC (Concentrationary European literature research center), along with a thorough preliminary research and a wide range of didactical suggestions for exercises to perform either in the classroom or independently.
It is an indispensable tool for professors and students, which offers important didactical resources in order to prepare classes, debates and exams.
The novel analyses the extraordinary experience of Emili, a republican prisoner who survived in Mauthausen for five years thanks to his pornographic drawings for SS officers. Between Bildungsroman and a novel of human condition, ‘K.L. Reich’ is a relevant proposal, alongside canonical works of Primo Levi, Jorge Semprún or Imre Kertész, when it comes to the reflection, from a secular perspective, on the consequences of the Holocaust.