Title: Jedwabne

Author: David Serrano Blanquer

First print: 2023

Published by: Editorial Base

The 10th of July 1941 morning the Polish village of Jedwabne awakens with the disturbing sound of carriages, horsemen screaming and locals armed with sticks. It is the day they agreed to humiliate and murder their Jewish neighbors.

A shaky and ruthless non-fiction story that follows the lead actors from 1941 until today.

The “7 pigsty brothers” struggle to survive the massacre and in addition to two years of war hidden in a hole excavated at Antosha’s farm. They’re Elke, Leike, Srolke, Szmul, Berek, Mietek and Jankel. Once the war is over, the author follows the threads of survivors, victims and all the new actors until this day.

Gary Lucas (New York): “This is an important and long-awaited book. Professor Serrano has done a great favour to the world to exhaustively detail the whole sad story of Jedwabne’s tragedy, to show that it still vividly resonates with people today and to update its consequences.”

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